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Children's Yoga Teacher Training - ONLINE: Self-Paced Training (2022-23)
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Module 1 - The Fundamentals
Agreement of Participation
Welcome & Introduction Workshop (107:46)
The Developing Brain & Body of Children (218:44)
Partner Yoga - The Fundamentals (51:05)
Positive & Playful Behaviour Management Strategies (136:00)
Video Library of Children's Yoga Classes (4:06)
Module 2- Teaching Yoga with Different Age Groups
Replay of Live Class: January 2022 - Teaching Yoga to Different Age Groups (65:02)
Partner Yoga for Different Age Groups (105:25)
Yoga for the Early Years (169:50)
Assignment 1: Yoga for the Early Years
Yoga for 7-11 Years (207:09)
Assignment 2: Teaching Methodology
Yoga for Teens (Including Yoga for Teen Anxiety) (178:25)
Sun Salutations & Restorative Poses for Different Age Groups (96:22)
Overcoming Challenging Behaviours in Your Yoga Class (50:45)
Module 3 - Breathing Techniques for Children & Teens
Pranayama (Breathing Techniques) (90:54)
Assignment 3: Pranayama for Children & Teens
Yoga & Pranayama Games (106:38)
Assignment 4: Create your own kids yoga game
Replay of Live Class: March 2022 - Effective Breathing Techniques for Different Age Groups (67:14)
Module 4 - Meditations for Children & Teens
Meditation for Children & Teens (32:24)
Yoga Nidra for Children & Teens (58:31)
Mandala Art Meditations (128:55)
Moving Meditations (70:53)
Resources & Sample Plan for Moving Meditations
Replay of Live Class: April 2022 - Moving Meditations for Different Age Groups
Module 5 - Yoga Philosophy for Children & Teens
Yoga Philosophy for Children & Teens (102:15)
Assignment 5: Yoga Philosophy & the Chakras for Children
Hindu Mythology & Story-Telling in Yoga (89:31)
Assignment 6: Yoga Story-Telling Sequences
Replay of Live Class: May 2022 - Yoga Philosophy for All Ages
Module 6 - Teaching Yoga to Teens & Tweens
Alignment & Safety for Teen Yoga (81:47)
Quiz: Teen Yoga Safety & Alignment
Challenging Poses for Teens (67:18)
Assignment 7: Instruction and Alignment for Yoga Poses
Planning & Sequencing Yoga Classes (149:39)
Assignment 8: Challenging Poses for Teens
Module 7 - Teaching Neurodiverse Children
Yoga for Neurodiverse Children (118:28)
Yoga for Children with ASD: Idea's Sharing
Teaching 1:1 Classes (72:43)
Yoga for Childhood Anxiety (75:10)
Module 8 - Final Teaching Practice
The Business of Children's Yoga
The Buisness of Children's Yoga - LIVE WORKSHOP RECORDING (144:19)
Yoga for Teens (Including Yoga for Teen Anxiety)
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