Support children and teens to feel relaxed, settled and at ease in their body and mind.
Eliminate panic, stress and anxiety in childrens' and teenagers' lives by giving them the life-skills and practical techniques to regulate their own nervous systems and emotions (in a fun and engaging way)

Do you see children or teenagers:

  • Having frequent 'meltdowns' or tantrums, seemingly without cause or reason?
  • Irritable, angry or frustrated about 'small' or unimportant things?
  • Outburst, aggression or anger-management difficulties?
  • Stressed, anxious or overly worried to the point of overwhelm, unable to calm them down, make sense or reason with them?
  • Unable to manage their own behaviour, impulses or emotions?
  • Extreme difficulty making decisions, that perhaps leads to a tantrums, crying, overwhelm or 'meltdowns'?

Then sharing self-regulation skills, restorative practices and breathing exercises with them will be highly beneficial, perhaps essential, to their well-being, health and development.

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