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Kids Yoga Lesson Plans & Resources
Workshop Recordings
Workshop: Take your kids yoga classes online (138:55)
Workshop: Create your sales funnel to grow your community (67:06)
Recording: Strategies to Retain Families in your Classes and Community (71:34)
Recording of Live Q&A Session (71:00)
Recording of Live Q&A Session (82:56)
Meditations for 3-7 Years
Meditations for 8-11 years
Yoga Games and Mindfulness Activities Resource Centre
Yoga Bingo
Yoga Dice
Hug Coupon
Obstacle Course Activity Cards
Gratitude Fun Sheets
Mandala Meditation Sheets
Yoga Board Game
Eric Carle Books / Twist & Shake It Out
3-7 Years: The Very Busy Spider
3-7 Years: From Head to Toe
8-11 Years: Twist & Shout
8-11 Years: Shake it Out
Oceans & Forests
Oceans: 3-7 Years
Oceans: 8-11 Years
Forests: 3-7 Years
Forests: 8-11 Years
Happiness & Balance
Happpiness: 3-7 Years
Happpiness: 8-11 Years
Balance: 3-7 Years
Balance: 8-11 Years
Giving & Receiving
Giving the gift of kindness: 3-7 years
Giving the gift of kindness: 8-11 years
Giving: 3-7 years
Giving: 8-11 years
Overcoming Challenges / Setting Goals
Wishing Trees: 3-7 Years
Wishing Trees: 8-11 Years
I am a Warrior: 3-7 Years
Overcoming New Challenges: 8-11 Years
Love: 3-7 Years
Love: 8-11 Years
Things That I Love: 3-7 Years
Things That I Love: 8-11 Years
Colours in Nature: 3-7 years
Colours in Nature: 8-11 years
Colours of my emotions: 3-7 years
Colours of my emotions: 8-11 years
Sun & Moon Salutations
Sun Salutations: 3-7 years
Sun Salutations: 8-11 years
Moon Salutations: 3-7 years
Moon Salutations: 8-11 years
My Sangha (My Yoga Friends)
My Sangha: 3-7 Years
My Sangha: 8-11 Years
Creating My Sangha / My Yoga Friends: 3-7 years
Creating My Sangha / My Yoga Friends: 8-11 years
I am Kind / I Express My Feelings (Sacral, Heart & Throat Chakras)
I am Kind: 3- 7 years
I am Kind: 8-11 years
I Express my Feelings & Emotions: 3-7 years
I Express my Feelings & Emotions: 8-11 years
I am Strong, I am Confident (Muladhara & Manipura Chakras)
I am Strong: 3-7 years
I am Strong: 8-11 years
I am Confident: 3-7 years
I am Confident: 8-11 years
Night and Day
Day time (Animals active in the day): 3-7 Years
Day time (Animals active in the day): 8-11 Years
Night time (Nocturnal Animals): 3-7 Years
Night time (Nocturnal Animals): 8-11 Years
Life Cycles
3-7 Years: Life Cycle of a Butterfly
8-11 Years: Life Cycle of a Butterfly
3-7 Years: Life Cycle of a Frog
8-11 Years: Life Cycle of a Frog
Earth Warriors
3-7 years: Earth Day
8-11 years: Earth Day
3-7 years: Earth Warriors
8-11 Years: Protecting our planet
My Body
My Hands & Feet: 3-7 Years
My Heart: 8-11 Years
My Breath / My Lungs: 3-7 Years
My Breath / My Lungs: 8-11 Years
Phases of the Sun & Moon
3-7 Years: Sun Cycles
8-11 Years: Sun Cycles
3-7 Years: Phases of the Moon
8-11 Years: Phases of the Moon
Caring For Our Planet
Endangered Animals: 3-7 years
Endangered Animals: 8-11 years
Gratitude to Mother Earth: 3-7 years
Gratitude to Mother Earth: 8-11 years
Gratitude: 3-7 years
Gratitude: 8-11 years
Gratitude to Self: 3-7 years
Gratitude to Self: 8-11 years
Friendship 3-7 Year olds
Friendship 8-11 Year olds
Community 3-7 Year olds
Community 8-11 Year olds
Alignment Cues & Key Vocabulary
Our Natural World: Beach & Ocean
Our Natural World
At the Beach: 3-7 Years
At the Beach: 8-11 Years
In the Ocean: 3-7 Years
In the Ocean: 8-11 Years
In the Forest
In the Forest: 3-7 Year Olds #1
In the Forest: 8-11 Year Olds #1
Waterfall Adventure: 3-7 Year Olds #2
Waterfall Adventure: 8-11 Year Olds #2
Nurture & Nourish
Nurture & Nourish: 3-7 year olds # 1
Nurture & Nourish: 3-7 year olds # 2
Nurture & Nourish: 8-11 year olds # 1
Nurture & Nourish: 8-11 year olds # 2
Key Vocabulary, Alignment Cues and Sequence Video
Exploring & Expressing Emotions
Exploring & Expressing Emotions
Key Vocabulary & Alignment Cues
Exploring & Expressing Emotions: 3-7 Year Olds #1 (23:24)
Exploring & Expressing Emotions: 3-7 years #2 (15:24)
Exploring & Expressing Emotions: 8-11 Year Olds #1 (17:30)
Exploring & Expressing Emotions: 8-11 Year Olds #2 (10:51)
New Beginnings
New Beginnings: 3-7 Years
New Beginnings: 8-11 Years
Super Stars: 3-7 Years
New Year, New Beginning: 8-11 Years
Celebrations: 3-7 Year Olds
Celebrations: 8-11 Year Olds
Giving & Receiving: 3-7 Year Olds
Giving & Receiving: 8-11 Year Olds
Mindfulness: 3-7 Year Olds, Lesson #1
Mindfulness: 3-7 Year Olds #2
Mindfulness: 8-11 Year Olds #1
Mindfulness: 8-11 Year Olds #2
Key Vocabulary and Alignment Cues
Celebrations: 8-11 Year Olds
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